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Documenting Your Body’s Journey
Jan 12, 2024
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Bodies are meant to change. Society may tell us differently, urging us to look perpetually like 18-year-old supermodels, but change is inevitable. We age, we are injured, we gain and lose weight, we have pregnancies. Every bit of this is normal and expected. Beauty is not static. Your body, then, now, and in the future is not before and after. It is not better or worse – just different. You are not something to be improved. You are already a masterpiece.

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What better way to embrace your body in all its stages than through documenting it with a boudoir session? Our bodies evolve, naturally, and accurately depicting how you look at each of these moments acts as a journal of your body to create a collage of your life. Your body bears the marks of a journey that is uniquely yours. Photographing it will offer you a tangible, visual expression of the vessel that carries you through your life, which is deserving of love, always.

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Be proud of your body in the story it tells, just the way it is. Capture your essence. Honor yourself through its changes. Every inch of you is worthy, in every season of life and at every size. This is your reclamation. Think about how incredible your body is. It is capable of recovery. Of surviving. You do not have to let insecurity define you. Take pride in who you are.

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A boudoir shoot can allow you to embrace new aspects of yourself as you change. We are all on ongoing journeys of acceptance, and ultimately, celebration. Salma Hayek said, “People often say that beauty is in the eye of the beholder, and I say that the most liberating thing about beauty is realizing that you are the beholder.” You are a living testament to the path your life has taken, and your body has carried you through every challenge, every heartbreak, every success, every hard day, every grief, every joy. Your body is boudoir ready. Right now.

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The woman you are now is not the woman you were yesterday. You aren’t meant to always be the same. Diversity is not only about the differences between people; it is also about the differences between you now, in the past, and in the future. Diversity, in all its forms, is beautiful. Repeated boudoir sessions, over time, will document this incredible evolution.

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Beauty standards are not static. Societal expectations and perceptions of what is beautiful have no bearing on what is actually beautiful. Your body is a blank canvas, and you get to choose what story to tell. You don’t have to fit anyone’s criteria but your own. Your appearance WILL change. It is supposed to. With time, with age, with circumstance. None of these changes detract from your beauty and deserving of nurturing and affirmation. Society can say whatever it wants. You don’t have to listen. 

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Don’t live your life on hold. Take a chance on appreciating yourself. You don’t need to lose or gain weight. You don’t need to change your hair or get filler or Botox. There is no right way to get older. You don’t know what life will throw at you. Live in the moment. Exist in the present. Look at your body with adoring eyes. This chapter in your story is valuable. They all are. It deserves this affirmation, this chronicle of the person you are. You are amazing today, and the person you are is worth acknowledging with time, effort, and energy. 

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Self-love and self-acceptance are a journey.  Self-exploration and discovery evolve over time. Make peace with this part of who you are, this body. Give yourself permission to enjoy the pleasure it can give you and the resilience it has gifted you with. 

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Your session can celebrate this recognition of who you are and how you fit into the world. Document this evolution. Every part of the messiness, the winding path, is worth looking at through a lens that sees the fullness of its awesomeness. Younger honest, progressive images of who you are and where you’ve been. It is all part of the story - your story. It is a story worth telling. 

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Celebrate yourself. You are worthy and beautiful, then, and now, and forever. 

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